Monday, October 20, 2014

Happy National Day on Writing!

The day is finally here! Happy National Day on Writing students! Please post your #WriteMyCommunity assignments on the "National Day on Writing 2014: #WriteMyCommunity page of our blog site.

Simply click the tab at the top of this page that's titled "National Day on Writing 2014: #WriteMyCommunity." Then, respond to the post that I have there.

I am sure we are all thrilled to read what each of us have to say about our communities. Blog on!

Signing off,

Ms. McKain

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

National Day on Writing: #WriteMyCommunity

Writing is such an important part of our everyday lives. Without even realizing it, we communicate through some form of writing on a daily basis. Whether it’s through a poem, drawing, or even a text message to our friends and family— writing always finds a way to squeeze itself into our lives!

Through writing, we communicate our thoughts, feelings, and ideas. So, it’s no surprise that our nation has set aside one day each year to celebrate the act of writing: National Day on Writing! Every year, people around the U.S.A. share their thoughts, feelings, and ideas through some form of writing. This year, our class will be a part of this national conversation!

Each year, the National Day on Writing has a theme for writers so that we may have a united conversation. This year’s theme is “Write My Community.” People all over the nation will write about their communities and share with the world their thoughts, feelings, and ideas about their community. You will be a part of this conversation!

In addition to personally handing in your assignment to me at the beginning of class, you will also post some of your community assignments to our blog. In order to post your assignment, do the following:
  1. Simply click on the tab at the top of this site that says "National Day on Writing 2014: # WriteMyCommunity."
  2.  Read my post. 
  3. Scroll down to where it says "comments." 
  4. Click "comments."
  5. A comment box will open. Type your assignment into that box. Be sure to press publish and don't forget to use only your first name, last initial for online safety!

Check out your class assignment for more details!

Also, in you're interested in seeing some examples of #WriteMyCommunity projects other students around the nation have already done, then check out this link!

Signing Off,

Ms. McKain

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Welcome: What's ELA to You?

 You walk into the room, dreading what leers before you. The wooden floors of the room creak with your every step. You sit down at your desk, crunched into your seat as though you’re a can of sardines. “When will we get new desks?” you wonder. Last year you fit perfectly fine; but since your recent summer sprout, your knees now touch the gum under the desk when you sit. 

You quickly move your leg and see a fresh wad of strawberry Bubbalicious stuck to your brand new indigo jeans. The teacher finally walks up front and says “Welcome class to English Language Arts.” His voice is nasal. Spit flies from his mouth with every syllable. And what’s worse, you have the honor of sitting in the front row of the room! “This is going to be a LONG year,” you think.
           Yes my lovely students-- I know. This is the scene that some of you may have in your minds when you think of English Language Arts. But have no fear! That will certainly not be this year! 

English Language Arts is all about the hip vibes and smooth rhymes of poetry; the simply human verses of Shakespeare; the imaginative, yet SO REAL language of John Steinbeck; the shocking realities of the most difficult period of life for Melba Patillo Beals; the heated debates and intellectual discussions. Come with me as we explore the adventures, curiosities, and thought provoking world of literature. Awaken your minds and put your thoughts and imaginations to paper. THIS is what ELA is all about to me. 

So, what's ELA to you? Share your thoughts! Welcome to our class blog and welcome to English Language Arts! 

Signing Off, 

~ Ms. McKain